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Create Color Samples on your
Paint Bottle Lids

This tip added to on July 30, 2009
Testors Model Master Enamel Paints
Most paint appears lighter or darker in the bottle than it does after it dries on a kit. This makes choosing the right color more difficult than it has to be. One way to avoid confusion is to apply a sample of the paint somewhere and let it dry, and one of the best places to do that is on the actual bottle.
Testors Model Master Enamel Paints
I just use a brush and apply thick enough to cover the black lid. I happen to be using Testors Model Master paint but it should work with just about any type.
Testors Model Master Enamel Paints
Notice how much lighter this color is appears as it begins to dry.
Federal Standard 595B Color book
it's much easier to compare the final color with photos or color charts.

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