In 1977 my parents took my sister and I to see "Star Wars", we had no idea what to expect. One moment we were settling in the darkened theater reading the large blue letters on the screen in silence "In a galaxy far, far away..." then the theme song is blasting, the Star Wars logo is floating away in space, the prologue is crawling, and two minutes later we're introduced to the first spaceship we would ever see in the Star Wars world. Would come to know it as the Rebel Blockade Runner. |
In the tradition of the model makers who worked on the original film, I photographed my model in front of a print in a sci-fi magazine. I just used photoshop to remove the hand and my fat fingers. |
This Bandai is superb. The molding is amazing, with a lot more detail than one might expect on a kit this small. |
I got my overall base color gray a little too dark. If I were to do it again I would go even closer to off-white. |
My panel line wash is exagerated when compared to the movie prop model, but I'm happy with how it turned out. Looks nice sitting on the shelf. |
I would have loved to figure out way to put LEDs in the engine ports. |
This image gives a better impression of how small it is. I guess if I were to scratch-build a Star Destroyer around 8 foot long I could put this in the hanger. |
This is a tiny kit which makes for a very fast build. I would love to see Bandai release a larger scale kit, about three times this size, I would have to build it too! |
My paint-by-hand skills are not as refined as I wish so I usually avoid when possible, but masking and airbrushing the red markings would be even more difficult so I was forced to do my best. Luckily the the final weathering processes helped hide imperfections. |

Kit: Bandai #5055363
Scale: 1/1000 |
At the time of writing this kit is around $20.00(US), a bargain in the modern modeling world. |
The Kit:
23 parts molded in off-white plastic (blockade runner only).
3 parts molded in transparent plastic (display stand).
4 page instruction sheet with black and white assemby istructions, and photographic images indicating color and sticker placement.
Pressure sensitive stickers are provided to make Princess Leia Organa's "Tantive IV" from
Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. No waterslide decals are provided.
This kit is beautifully molded with super crisp detail, parts fit together so well that you could probably get away without using glue. A fast builder could finish this kit in a few hours.
This is a highly accurate, well detailed kit that is easy to build. Any Star Wars fan is going to love it.