The kit didn't include any crew ladders and I decided I wanted some, so I got brave and decided to make my own. It turned out to be pretty easy.
I got a package of Evergreen styrene plastic that included about 5 different diameters of cylindrical strips and cut the appropriate length pieces. I used Superglue to attach the steps so they would set fast after I got them in place. As soon as it dried I applied an orange-red coat of paint and a thin black wash on the steps to show a little wear. It was painless!
I did my best to clutter up the interior like the original. As far as the color goes. I don't think the Soviets used the turquoise interior paint in the fifties but I decided that my Beagle could have had some electronic upgrades throughout it's years of service - (It's my plane, you can't do anything about). I love having my own website.
The Eduard set really helped spice up the interior but I still added lots of gadgets and gizmos.
Here it is with it's final polishing of SnJ Products Spray Metal Finish. It was pretty easy to use and considering this was my first bare-metal aircraft works really well.