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Tupolev Tu-22/M2
NATO designation:
Tu-26 Backfire C

Variable Geometry Winged
Anti-Ship Strike Aircraft

Russian Naval Aviation
Russian Naval Aviation
(Aviatsiya Voenno-Morskoyo Flota)
Baltic Sea


This model added to on June 23, 1997
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
The backfire can fly at an estimated mach 1.92 (1,300 mph).
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
It's estimated combat radius of 3,420 miles is expanded by it's in-flight refueling probe.
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
The steeply raked wedge engine intakes are the most notable change from the B and C versions.
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
A good view to note that only the outboard wing sections sweep variably - similar to the Sukhoi "Fitter"
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
Ok, I couldn't resist editing in the vapor trails using Photoshop.
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
The kit comes complete with an A-S4 "Kitchen"
air to ground missle cruise missile.
AMT/ERTL 1:72 scale Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire C
You can get a feeling for the true size of this massive aircraft when you picture a mig-15 in the same scale fitting in the palm of your hand.

AMT ERTL Tu-26 Backfire C
Kit: AMT ERTL #8832
72 scale
Scale: 1/72
Decals: Box Stock
After Market Parts: None.
Cost / Value: I paid $10.00 for this kit at Squadron Scalefest 1996. An excellent value.
Comments: This kit went together extremely well. Fit was great. True to most of my newer ERTL kits I was very impressed with the "quality to price" ratio. Yes, if Hasegawa had built it the panel lines would probably be crisper and it might include dropped flaps but they would probably demand 80 bucks for it. I bought my Backfire for $10.00 at the Scalefest last year! We're talking Value here folks. After some scratch-built seatbelts and a few "gadgets" in the cockpit it's a great looking addition to my collection.
The only area that lacked was the landing gear, I didn't have any photos to compare to but they looked to simple to me. I didn't have the shelf space to park this monster anyway so up the gear went - it now hangs above my desk.

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